Working from home for many workers has a negative impact on both workengagement and effectivity. Understandable! So many supporting factors you are enjoying in your regular workplace are not readily accessable at home. Fortunately, often we can make some valuable changes in order to get more out of our home working days!
In this online workshop you’ll work on how to get a more effective and also more pleasant working day at home.
The focus is on getting more insight in what problems you are actually encountering and what possibilities you have to tackle these problems. In some cases this means letting go of things you were accustomed to in your regular workplace, in other cases this means organizing resources in a different way.
We zoom in on how you are coping with your current situation and what influence you actually have. You’ll learn to structurize your new working-from-home-reality. We’ll also help you to start recognizing what is urgent and what is not. In addition we’ll discuss the role of stress and how to recharge during and after your workday.
For this online workshop we will use Zoom pro. You will receive a link and a password that will grant you admission to our online classroom. During this workshop there will be breaks and off-screen assignments.
Max number of participants: 10.
workshops in 2020:
– september 18th 9:00-13:00 (Dutch)
– oktober 9th 9:00-13:00 (English)
– november 12th, 13:00-17:00 (Dutch)
Contact us for other options.
Select this workshop in the Tiptrack webshop. We’ll contact you for your registration for the desired date.